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Phytocare – company profile

The glasshouse horticulture industry is changing rapidly. New and advanced technologies are being developed that will enhance growing in all areas: from automation to substrate blending and lighting systems. Phytocare provides the necessary information to help growers take advantage of these new developments, and gives growers the best advice to make the right choices.

Growing advice is a core area of Phytocare’s business, and provides a solid platform for the initiation of future research and development.

The focus on carrying out and supporting research is based on a genuine commitment to the advancement of horticultural science. Projects are carried out in collaboration with Wageningen UR and Plant Research International in the field of rose crop structure, the virtual rose project, and the mineral requirements of rose crops. Statistical models for rose and algae growth are developed with mathematicians from leading academic institutions, such as TU Twente.

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